Thank you so much for visiting our registry page!

New Home Fund

While we don't have a traditional registry, we do have a New Home Fund to help us furnish our dream home with love and joy. :-) 

**We are learning that people with Visa and MasterCard are having problems with the New Home Donation fund. Eeks! Another option is to Venmo to Jenny at (310) 721-2883.  Or, our mailing address until summer 2017 is:

            6366 Lindenhurst Ave, Los Angeles, CA, 90048

 Thank you so much and sorry for any complications! 

Otherwise,  we have had fortunate lives, and thus, our greatest wish is to support two charities that mean very much to us.


1)  For Kirk, he'd greatly appreciate your support of the Institute of Civic Leadership, a charity he founded 15 years ago to inspire and educate underprividleged student leaders to take positive action in their local and global communities. Support can come in the form of a tax-deductible donation, or in assisting us host a fundraising event for the ICL Academy (please contact Kirk directly at


2) For Jenny,  she'd love your help in supporting Dr. Mitchel Berger at UCSF as he is fundraising to build a new Brain Tumor Center. Three years ago, Dr. Berger saved Jenny's life with a very successful, awake brain surgery. Thanks to Dr. Berger, she is one of the lucky ones. Jenny would like to give hope to other people in the shoes she once was in as a patient with an unknown future. Dr. Berger has pioneered many of the breakthroughs in brain mapping and neurosurgery, and has many more ideas he'd like to bring to fruition. He needs $9 million more to reach his goal of $10 million. 

For a tax-deductible donation and to learn more, please contact Joe Neisen at UCSF:



Finally, if you're the creative type, or would just like to send us a card, our mailing address is:

Jenny & Kirk

6227 West 5th Street

Los Angeles, CA 90048